Part #2
Like the funny bonus videos that play at the end of a movie as the credits roll, this post is going to be comprised of a few more words of advice that didn't fit into the last two posts. So here we go.
Avoid private, One-on-One Discussions
We have all witnessed couples who isolate themselves from a group of people, giggling and sharing, acting as though no one else were around. While it might seen fun and innocent at first, I can assure you that temptation is ramped up in private discussions. Without any listening ears, it is much easier to let our guard down and share inappropriate or unnecessary information. Not only that but Proverbs 18:1 teaches: "Whoever isolates himself seeks his own desire; he breaks out against all sound judgment." It isn't wise to put yourself in a situation where it's just you and a young man without anyone else around or to seek to get alone with a young man. Is it okay to talk with young men and even do some one-on-one, I would just encourage you to have these conversations in environments where there are lots of people around such as at a coffee shop or at your church. Just keep in mind that the Bible warns us to "flee youthful passions..."
(2 Timothy 2:22) Avoid situations where those passions would be aroused.
A Helpful Question
How would I interact with this young man if my husband was standing right next to me?
I know you are going to have to use your imagination, but bear with me. Ultimately, we need to get into the mindset that we aren't man hunting. God knows who our spouse is going to be and he is perfectly capable of working out the details. Our goal for this season of our life is to save ourselves for that man as we wait on the Lord. With this in mind, let us remember that as we communicate with the opposite sex, we should be honoring our future mate.
"(The virtuous woman) does him (her husband) good,
and not harm, all the days (even before she meets him!) of her life."
Proverbs 31:12
So..would your husbands feels honored if he was standing next to you through your verbal and non-verbal communications with other men? Ask yourself this question next time your in a conversation.
Touchy Topics
Kelly, Katie and Kyle were all having a nice conversation until...Kyle, in an attempt to make everyone laugh stated pulling out the bathroom humor. Kelly and Katie didn't feel comfortable but...what were they supposed to do?
Ok, let's be honest. We have all been in the above situation and maybe some of us have even played the roles of Kyle. Whether is was a story about someone's zipper being down, personal hygiene issues or some funny joke that started on the middle school play ground, it might have seemed funny. It easy to get sucked into conversations along this line and just because we think it's 'just for laughs' doesn't make it appropriate. Ephesians 5:4 commands us, "Let there be no filthiness nor foolish talk nor crude joking, which are out of place." Why should we avoid these topics, especially in conversations with young men? The bottom line is it's out of place and inappropriate. Discussions, comments or even bathroom humor turns our thoughts to what is impure instead of exhorting one another in godliness. Remember the goal is to point others to Christ and to display His purity through our words.
What to do when you are on the receiving end of these comments or jokes? Stand for what is right. It might mean being the only one who doesn't laugh or changing the subject. It might be awkward but I can guarantee that it will send the right message.
And if you don't remember anything else....please remember this point.
Everything I just told you throw out the window. Why? Because the key to good guy/girl relationships isn't following a bunch of rules laid out in blog posts. Rather, the key to honoring the Lord in this area of our lives is following His lead and yielding to His Spirit and
His Word. If the cry of our hearts is not absolute surrender to the Lord of our hearts, tagging on a few principles is pointless because it will only lead to greater morality and self-righteousness. But if your desire is to honor the Lord, I encourage you to seek His face and ask Him for wisdom in this area of your life. And if you find that some of what I have shared is in line with His Word, then head it as the way of wisdom and walk in it...FOR HIS GLORY!
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