This Blog's Purpose

     Throughout life there are many ups and downs.  Times of joy and times of sorrow.  Times of trial and times of smooth sailing.  But even in all the changes in life there is one thing that is constant.  He is known as the Rock of Ages, the only true God, the everlasting Father.  He is known as my Redeemer.  This blog primarily exists to point everyone back to that God in order that His name might be great among the nations. (Malachi 1:11)
     In every season of life there is need for encouragement.  God has given me a desire to encourage those around me to pursue Christ, to seek Him first and to serve Him diligently.  God has placed many people in my life who have challenged and exhorted me in my walk with the Lord and it is my desire to do the same for others.
     Part of the reason I named this blog Set-Apart Sisterhood was because I have a desire to encourage sisters.  Both sisters in the spiritual sense but also in the physical sense of the word.  As the oldest of six children I know that there are many joys and challenges that come along with being a part of a 'big' family.  I understand it is not always easy but God has also helped me to see what an awesome opportunity He has placed in front of me.  He has given me my own little mission field!  Everyday I have the opportunity to live out the gospel through dying to myself and my desires, serving those around me and loving others when it is not easy.  Coming alongside of other girls who are in a similar place and encouraging them in their role as a sister is part of what Set-Apart Sisterhood is all about.
     Some of you may not have a large family or any siblings at all but that is okay!  Maybe God has given you a different mission field.  Either way, it is still my desire to encourage you as a sister in Christ!  Learning to love, serve and adore Him is also a major part of why this blog exists.
    "And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God." (Philippians 1:9-11)
    May God alone be glorified through this blog and through our lives.

Because of Christ,

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