"One thing I know, I am a terrible sinner but Christ is a wonderful Savior"
(John Newton)
Each day I live I have a growing thankfulness for my Savior. Through His life and death He ransomed me from my slavery to sin and it's punishment. Never have I deserved this gift and never will I deserve it but I am so thankful that God takes undeserving people like me and chooses to display His power and grace through us. Although I am still learning what it means to walk with my Lord, I have a growing passions to lay down my life to seek Him. I am not perfect. I make mistakes every day and that is why I am so thankful for a God who is so patient with a daughter like me. I serve an awesome God and I am so thankful that He was faithful in calling me out of sin and darkness and is leading me in His light and truth.
It is my greatest honor to be a student of the King. Luke 9:23-24 says, "If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it." Each day is filled with my Savior showing me what it means to follow Him. It is a delight to learn from my Lord and Teacher.
I stay pretty busy with school, running around with my family, and enjoying special moments with friends. I am a senior in high school who really enjoys math and science:) As the oldest of six kids, I enjoy spending time working and serving alongside my family. All of us children enjoy the privilege of being home schooled by the best teacher IN THE WORLD. (My mom:) It is a joy to watch and learn from my parents as they teach and train us through school and normal everyday life. We have been blessed with many precious friends and family members whom we all love dearly. Life is busy but a it's a good busy!
God has given me a personality that tends to exhibit passion:) I am first and foremost passionate about my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is my joy and delight to learn more about Him as a live on a daily basis. Through my life and the words I say, I hope to encourage other girls in their walk with the Lord as many people have encouraged me. God has given me a passion for the younger generation, so I especially enjoy the opportunities the Lord gives me to be able to speak into their lives. Evangelism is another growing passion in my heart. God has left us with a wonderful gospel to spread and it is the greatest honor anyone could ever have to share and proclaim the message of "Jesus Christ and Him crucified"(1 Corinthians 1:23). However, the gospel does not stop there but carries on into everyday life. I have a passion to live the gospel and see others live it too. Although I have many passions, they all hinge on Christ!
It is my prayer that Christ may be glorified through my life. When people see me, it is my desire that they would see what a wonderful, powerful and precious Savior and Lord Jesus Christ is. May He be made great through me!
I have no idea who you are but I just happened onto this blog. I have a thought for you to consider though :) You said you ARE a sinner who has been saved by a wonderful Savior. I totally agree with the wonderful Savior part but no where in the Bible does it say once we are saved that we are STILL sinners. It does say that ALL things are passed away and that we are a NEW creation. So if we are a new creation we cannot still be a sinner at the same time. You are a SAINT, sister! We ARE the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus (2 Corin. 5:21)! We are also called kings and priests (Revelation 1:5-6)! And in Ephesians 2:19 it says that we are NO LONGER strangers and foreigners (which a sinner would be both of those to the kingdom of God) but that we are fellowcitizens with the SAINTS of the household of God!!! You can't be a sinner and saint at the same time. Line up with what the Bible says that you are in Christ. :) And yes, we still live in a fallen world with our carnal flesh and so sin still tempts us but that is NO LONGER our identity!!! You are a saint!!! :) Just something to think about...I love you and bless you in all your work for the expansion of God's kingdom!!! :)
Charity –
I would like to start off by thanking you for commenting and challenging me on this point! While it is my deepest desire to keep what I write in line with God’s word, I know that what is written is not going to be without error and on these points I need others to challenge me! Through your comment I was greatly encouraged by the fact that you pointed me back to scripture and used that as your starting point. Thank you so much for your challenge of looking at scripture to see what it had to say on the subject.
When I first read your comment 1 Timothy 1:15 came to mind in which Paul says, “This saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost.” As my grandfather said, “In Christ we are free from the power of sin, the penalty of sin but we are not free from the presence of sin.” In Romans 7:15,17,22-23 Paul speaks of the presence of sin in His life when he says, “For I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate…So it is no longer I who do it but sin that dwells within me. For I delight in the law of God in my inner being, but I see in my members another law waging war against the law of my mind and making me captive to the law of sin that dwells in my members.” Currently as believers, sin is still ruling in our flesh. When writing “I am a terrible sinner who has been saved by a wonderful Savior” it was my desire to acknowledge the fact that I am not perfect, that I still struggle with sin, but through the power of Christ in me, it is my desire to honor Him through my life. “For the law of the Spirit of life has set (me) free, in Christ Jesus, from the law of sin and death.” (Romans 8:2) I have freedom in Christ but sin is still present in my life.
“I came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance.” (Luke 5:32)
The truth is that none of us are righteous. We are all sinners therefore God has called us all to repent. The question that arises then is, once we have repented and been reconciled to God can we still be identified as a sinner? I believe the answer to this question is yes, due to the nature of our salvation. Our salvation is not based upon our righteousness but on the righteousness of Christ. We in ourselves are wicked, unrighteous, and defiled through our sin. So before we are saved, God sees us in our state of sin. However, when we are in Christ, we wear His robes of righteousness. That does not mean that the person covered by His righteousness is no longer sinful. Again, as Paul said in 1 Timothy 1:15 “I am the worst of sinners.” Sin is still present in the believers life, but the difference is that God no longer sees our sin but sees us as the righteousness of Christ because we are covered with His righteousness. We can be a sinner and a saint because we are saints in Christ, not in our own righteousness. While sin is no longer our identity, it still has a presence in our life. Sanctification is the process by which God conforms us more into the image of Christ and one day we will be glorified and be completely free from this body of death!!!!
That being said, after reading over the scriptures that you wrote, I completely agree that our identity is no longer in sin but in Christ. While we can be identified with sin, sin is no longer the thing that defines us, Christ is! This point is very helpful for me to remember when I am communicating with others. Again, thank you for challenging me on this point. I really appreciate it!!!
I absolutely agree, Kayla. Your knowledge of scripture is unparalleled in any other girl I've met, and your theology is spot-on as far as I've read. This blog has reminded me what my foremost message ought to be, and challenged me to equip myself much more fully to "be ready always to give an answer" (1 Peter 3:15). Thank you for such an edifying word.
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