Christmas is a time to celebrate Christ and the mission that He came to fulfill here on this earth. It is a time to remember with thankfulness the gift of redemption that Christ offers us and to worship Him with joy. But how often are those truths talked about in the conversations that we have with those we meet? Why do we think it is enough to just read the Christmas story and pray before you eat but then forget about Jesus the rest of the time? After thinking this over, I have been challenged to speak more of Christ in the conversations I have during this season's celebrations. It is my challenge for you to do the same. Here are some ideas on how to make this desire applicable and practical.
1) Conversations with Believers
There is no denying it, we talk about what is most important to us. Not only during Christmas time, but all year around Christ should be exalted as #1 in our lives. This should be reflected in what we talk about. But all to often conversations are dominated by the latest in sports, school activities, or our greatest accomplishments. Are these things more important than Christ? Is it okay to talk about these things? Yes, but why not take this opportunity you have to fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ and use it as a time to edify one another? Here are some idea of questions that could be helpful in starting up a Christ focused conversation.
- What have you been reading in the Word lately?
- What has God been teaching you recently?
- Can you rember a Christmas in the past that God used to encourage you in your walk with Him?
- What is your favorite Christmas carol and why?
- Who do you think about most often when the holiday season comes around? (Maybe it is a father or mother that has passed away or a friend that they were very close to and no longer leaves near)
- How has church been recently for you?
2) Conversations with Non-Believers
Talk to her about Christ. Talk to her about Christ. I don't know what to say. What if I make a fool of myself or make myself look like all I care about is Jesus and Church stuff? Anyway, we are here to celebrate Christ's birthday, not to offend people.
Something close to this has gone through my head on multiple occasions. I feel the Holy Spirit convicting me to talk to my unsaved family members and immediately my tongue turns into stone, my heart rate spikes to around 175, I start to sweat and my knees start to knock together. Trust me, I know talking about Christ isn't easy. I don't pretend it is but I am also not going to use that as an excuse to keep my mouth shut. But why not just not say anything?
First off, Christ has commanded us to GO and proclaim the gospel. For some of us, we don't have to go very far. Chances are you will run into at least one unsaved person at get-togethers this time of the year. This is your mission field for now. Second of all, the greatest act of love is pointing them to the truth. If you say you love your family and friends but are unwilling to point them to Christ and challenge them with the eternal truths of scripture, are you really loving them? Their eternity is at stake! How do you know your family member will still be living next Christmas? We are only given today. By tomorrow they could be standing before God almighty without Jesus Christ as their atoning sacrifice. In their current unsaved state, hell is their eternal destiny. I am not trying to scare you into sharing Christ but there is a sobriety that should come along with the gospel that we have been commanded to proclaim, even to our family and friends.
How should we go about this? First off pray (more about this below) but then, here are some ideas.
Get out of Neutral:
Often times, I think we just let the conversation turn and twist wherever it may. Don't be afraid to lead the conversations. Get out of neutral and start to be offensive (not to be confused with offending someone) One of the best ways to do this is to ask questions. (See below)
Understand the Power of the Question:
Jesus was a master at asking soul searching, convicting, pointed questions that would get people talking. He who asks the right questions controls the conversation. Follow Christ's example of using questions to turn the conversation heavenward. (Here are some examples:)
- Do you know what Emmanuel means?
- What do you think the first Christmas was like?
- What do you think Mary was thinking?
- Isn't it amazing that Jesus' birth was announced to lowly shepherds?
Look for Opportunities to Turn Conversations into Kingdom Conversations:
In almost any conversation there is an opportunity to turn it a different direction. Be looking for opportunities to take a little scenic detour around some biblical truths or the gospel. For instance:
- Your second aunt just told you her nephew died. Ask her what she thinks about death. What do you think happens after a person dies? Where do you think this deceased person is? Heaven of Hell and why? Do you believe their is a heaven? Does death scare you? Do you think about death? Where do you think you will be going when you die?
- Your evolution believing cousin just shared with you about how they made this fantastic new discovery of a creature that points to the fact that evolution is still occurring. Share with him about what God's Word has to say about the origin of the earth. Maybe even share some holes that are in the evolution theory and some examples of creation that point to God's design and handiwork.
- A friend just got a ton of money stolen from her. She can't believe anyone would do such a thing. Ask her is she thinks she is a good person. Use the 10 commandments to show her how 'bad and sinful' she is and how one day she will have to stand and give account before the holy and just judge.
- What does Christmas mean to you? or Why do you celebrate Christmas?
- Since Christmas is a time to celebrate Christ's birth, what do you think about Jesus? Why did He have to come to this earth?
Pray, Pray Real Hard:
Apart from me, you can do nothing....
John 15:4
I will be honest. As I write this blog post, I am thinking of what it is going to be like to have these conversions and I realize I can't. I won't even be able to start them without having a panic attack. But when I am weak, then Christ is strong. I am not an eloquent speaker or a master theologian, I am just a daughter of The King who is willing to be obedient to Him, even if it means a loss of popularity among my fellow man. It is a risk I am willing to take, but not on my own. I am in desperate need of my Lord. So, I will pray and I would challenge you to do the same. God hears our prayers and He is faithful to answer! Here are a list of things that I will be praying about over the next few days, just to give you some ideas.
- Love
- Boldness
- Courage
- The right words to say at the right time
- Opportunities and open doors
- That God would be at work in the hearts of those with whom I will speak
- That Christ would be seek in my countenance, actions and attitide
- That the JOY of the Lord would be my strength
- That I would remember eternity and what is at stake
What God Calls Us to Do, He Equips Us to Do!!!!
We serve a faithful God.....
Here is a video that I hope encourages you as you seek to love people with the Truth.
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