There are only a few times a year when you feel like a little child again. For me, Christmas is one of those times. Happy moments of baking cookies, wrapping presents, discovering Christmas lights and other festive activities fill the holiday with juvenile fun. Special time with people I love is often the highlight of Christmas fun. However, as I have gotten older, there is one thing that has puzzled me greatly.
Christmas is a time to celebrate Christ and the mission that He came to fulfill here on this earth. It is a time to remember with thankfulness the gift of redemption that Christ offers us and to worship Him with joy. But how often are those truths talked about in the conversations that we have with those we meet? Why do we think it is enough to just read the Christmas story and pray before you eat but then forget about Jesus the rest of the time? After thinking this over, I have been challenged to speak more of Christ in the conversations I have during this season's celebrations. It is my challenge for you to do the same. Here are some ideas on how to make this desire applicable and practical.
1) Conversations with Believers
There is no denying it, we talk about what is most important to us. Not only during Christmas time, but all year around Christ should be exalted as #1 in our lives. This should be reflected in what we talk about. But all to often conversations are dominated by the latest in sports, school activities, or our greatest accomplishments. Are these things more important than Christ? Is it okay to talk about these things? Yes, but why not take this opportunity you have to fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ and use it as a time to edify one another? Here are some idea of questions that could be helpful in starting up a Christ focused conversation.
What have you been reading in the Word lately?
What has God been teaching you recently?
Can you rember a Christmas in the past that God used to encourage you in your walk with Him?
What is your favorite Christmas carol and why?
Who do you think about most often when the holiday season comes around? (Maybe it is a father or mother that has passed away or a friend that they were very close to and no longer leaves near)
How has church been recently for you?
If a friend or family member is truly saved, they are going to want to talk about Christ and/or spiritual things. Maybe they are just waiting for someone to direct the conversation that way. What a wonderful opportunity for you to take the lead!
2) Conversations with Non-Believers Talk to her about Christ. Talk to her about Christ.I don't know what to say. What if I make a fool of myself or make myself look like all I care about is Jesus and Church stuff? Anyway, we are here to celebrate Christ's birthday, not to offend people.
Something close to this has gone through my head on multiple occasions. I feel the Holy Spirit convicting me to talk to my unsaved family members and immediately my tongue turns into stone, my heart rate spikes to around 175, I start to sweat and my knees start to knock together. Trust me, I know talking about Christ isn't easy. I don't pretend it is but I am also not going to use that as an excuse to keep my mouth shut. But why not just not say anything?
First off, Christ has commanded us to GO and proclaim the gospel. For some of us, we don't have to go very far. Chances are you will run into at least one unsaved person at get-togethers this time of the year. This is your mission field for now. Second of all, the greatest act of love is pointing them to the truth. If you say you love your family and friends but are unwilling to point them to Christ and challenge them with the eternal truths of scripture, are you really loving them? Their eternity is at stake! How do you know your family member will still be living next Christmas? We are only given today. By tomorrow they could be standing before God almighty without Jesus Christ as their atoning sacrifice. In their current unsaved state, hell is their eternal destiny. I am not trying to scare you into sharing Christ but there is a sobriety that should come along with the gospel that we have been commanded to proclaim, even to our family and friends.
How should we go about this? First off pray (more about this below) but then, here are some ideas.
Get out of Neutral:
Often times, I think we just let the conversation turn and twist wherever it may. Don't be afraid to lead the conversations. Get out of neutral and start to be offensive (not to be confused with offending someone) One of the best ways to do this is to ask questions. (See below)
Understand the Power of the Question:
Jesus was a master at asking soul searching, convicting, pointed questions that would get people talking. He who asks the right questions controls the conversation. Follow Christ's example of using questions to turn the conversation heavenward. (Here are some examples:)
Do you know what Emmanuel means?
What do you think the first Christmas was like?
What do you think Mary was thinking?
Isn't it amazing that Jesus' birth was announced to lowly shepherds?
Look for Opportunities to Turn Conversations into Kingdom Conversations:
In almost any conversation there is an opportunity to turn it a different direction. Be looking for opportunities to take a little scenic detour around some biblical truths or the gospel. For instance:
Your second aunt just told you her nephew died. Ask her what she thinks about death. What do you think happens after a person dies? Where do you think this deceased person is? Heaven of Hell and why? Do you believe their is a heaven? Does death scare you? Do you think about death? Where do you think you will be going when you die?
Your evolution believing cousin just shared with you about how they made this fantastic new discovery of a creature that points to the fact that evolution is still occurring. Share with him about what God's Word has to say about the origin of the earth. Maybe even share some holes that are in the evolution theory and some examples of creation that point to God's design and handiwork.
A friend just got a ton of money stolen from her. She can't believe anyone would do such a thing. Ask her is she thinks she is a good person. Use the 10 commandments to show her how 'bad and sinful' she is and how one day she will have to stand and give account before the holy and just judge.
Or start conversations that can easily be transitioned into talking about Christ.
What does Christmas mean to you? or Why do you celebrate Christmas?
Since Christmas is a time to celebrate Christ's birth, what do you think about Jesus? Why did He have to come to this earth?
Get people talking and look for those opportunities to point them back to Christ and His Gospel.
Pray, Pray Real Hard:
Apart from me, you can do nothing....
John 15:4
I will be honest. As I write this blog post, I am thinking of what it is going to be like to have these conversions and I realize I can't. I won't even be able to start them without having a panic attack. But when I am weak, then Christ is strong. I am not an eloquent speaker or a master theologian, I am just a daughter of The King who is willing to be obedient to Him, even if it means a loss of popularity among my fellow man. It is a risk I am willing to take, but not on my own. I am in desperate need of my Lord. So, I will pray and I would challenge you to do the same. God hears our prayers and He is faithful to answer! Here are a list of things that I will be praying about over the next few days, just to give you some ideas.
The right words to say at the right time
Opportunities and open doors
That God would be at work in the hearts of those with whom I will speak
That Christ would be seek in my countenance, actions and attitide
That the JOY of the Lord would be my strength
That I would remember eternity and what is at stake
What God Calls Us to Do, He Equips Us to Do!!!!
We serve a faithful God.....
Here is a video that I hope encourages you as you seek to love people with the Truth.
Okay, so it is kind of coincidental that I am writing about keeping up your appearance because I am currently sitting on the couch recovering from getting my wisdom teeth removed. This means that my face is swollen and make-upless. I am am wearing sports clothes and my hair is wet and undone. Kynzie, my 3 year old sister, has a greater desire than I do today to get in the groove of making biblical beauty practical. She has only taken my lip balm and applied it at least four different times this morning! And some say God doesn't have a sense of humor. Whether I am setting you an example today or not, it is my hope that you will be encouraged through this post as we get to the practical and specific ways of handling physical beauty.
Style and Fashion
Awhile ago I was really struggling with beauty so I went to one of the women in our church, who sets a wonderful example of biblical beauty. One of her encouragements to me was to develop my own style. In our fashion obsessed society, I think young woman often feel overwhelmed with trying to keep everything just right. We don't allow ourselves the freedom to enjoy being a young woman because of our distraction with perfection. Consequently I would like to encourage you to let it go and enjoy who God has made you to be as a young woman. Enjoy the freedom He has given you in the area of dress!!! Develop your own style and have fun. (Yes, I just used the idea of fashion and fun in the same sentence. It is actually possible if your goal is not to impress those around you but to focus on the One who gives us the freedom to demonstrate His beauty! What a gift!)
Here are some outfits I found online that I liked and thought might get your mental gears turning!
Modern Flare
Sophisticated Cowgirl:)
Yes, you can wear jeans and be modest!
Retro but still modest and cute.
Make - Up:
Is it a sin to wear make up??? I am not sure I can point to chapter and verse, but I am pretty sure that make-up is not forbidden in scripture. Actually, the reverse might be true for some, it is a sin not to wear make-up:) As my dad says, "If the barn needs painting, then paint it!" Again, the greater issue is your heart.
One of the God-honoring purposes of make-up is that it highlights your face. As the center of your countenance and beauty, it allows the attention of those around you to be drawn to you as a person instead of to your body. Our face should be the most attractive part of our body!
Instead of using make-up to change who we are, the motive for applying make-up should be to accent and enhance the natural beauty that God has given us. Now before we get any further let me just say one word, moderation. Often times, young ladies can get a little carried away when it comes to application. Here are some examples:
Instead of highlighting, this is distracting.
Okay, this is NOT what you call accenting.
Here are some pointers for choosing make-up that will accent and not distract.
Choose colors/shades that complement your skin tone and eye color
Go lighter, not darker
Error on the side on minimalistic, not eccentric
I get all of my make up from Redeeming Beauty.
This lady runs a wonderful business while offering all natural beauty products and promoting beauty that is more than skin deep! I would really encourage you to check out her website.
I tend to be the quick, throw all my hair up in a pony tail, type. However, my sister, Ellyn, does a wonderful job taking care of her hair by spending some time each day styling it. As she joyfully creates unique styles with her hair, she has encouraged me to do the same. In 1 Corinthians 11:15, we see that a woman's hair is her glory; it's a unique gift that God has given to his female creations. Shouldn't we take some time to invest in it??? Here are some helpful tools I have found when it comes to quick, easy but still cute hair-dos!
I love this website!!! They have so many fun hair styles with easy to follow instructional videos. You have to check it out!
Goody Spin Pins: Great for quick, easy buns!
I also enjoy keeping simple hair accessories and styling tools on hand. Here are some suggestions.
* My friends use their lillarose business to help support their adoption. Check out their site above to see some of the wonderful hair accessories they offer!!!
Flexi Clip
Addressing vs. Obsessing
We have been given a great opportunity to take time each day to steward and invest in the beauty that God has given us. While I am encouraging you to address the beauty that God has given you by taking each morning to invest in it, I am not encouraging you to obsess about it. When our entire existence starts to revolve around how we look, we have misplaced the goal of beauty. When we spend more time in front of the mirror than in God's word, we have forgotten what is most important.
As I explained in a previous article, beauty has to be balanced. So what is a good balance? I would encourage you to make it your goal to spend 2x more time in God's Word than in front of the mirror. Investing in building inner beauty should always have a higher priority in our lives than the outer beauty. Seek after what is most important.
Rather train yourself for godliness; for while bodily training(or beauty) is of some value,
godliness is of value in
every way, as it holds promise for the
Please take an hour to watch Leslie Ludy share on Incorruptible Beauty. May God use it to encourage and challenge your life as He has mine. It will be available to watch today, Sunday the 14th, and tomorrow, Monday the 15th. If you scroll down the page, you will find the video link at the bottom. Let's grow together in Christ-likeness my dear friends!
Make-up, hair-dos, style, oh my! Like every girl, there have been days when I have been overwhelmed by what it means to steward my God-given beauty. At times, I have woken up and decided that sweat pants and t-shirts should be the norm and then there are other days when I am thoroughly convinced that is should be otherwise. Along the way I have learned many things and hope to share some of my practical discoveries with you through these next few posts. To start off, why don't with tackle clothing???
*For all the guys out there, this is a post that you will want to avoid simply because I use images to make a point, images that would be best for you not to see.
I have wondered what is the big deal concerning the way I dress? Why don't I just wear sweatpants and a t-shirt? Why do I really have to worry about the idea we call modesty? Let me explain the importance of clothing to you in this way, what does the clothing below communicate to you about the women who are wearing these items?
Occupation? Feelings?
Feelings? Outlook on life?
Clothing communicates. When it comes to the area of dress, at times, the saying, "Actions (or clothing) speak louder than words," is true. Consider the messages listed below that are communicated through the clothing you wear.
Your view of yourself
View of the way God made you
Your motives or intent (dressed to impress)
Your feelings (insecure, happy, )
Your heart
I love the insight the Duggar girls give on this topic when they say:
"Ultimately, how we care for ourselves tells others what we think about the way God made us. So our primary goal is to honor the Lord with our appearance."
So what are your clothes communicating? Are they reflecting a heart
that is filled with the security, joy and fruitfulness of that comes
from Christ? Do you take delight in dressing in a beautiful way that reflects Christ instead of for the purpose of self fulfillment or man's applause? Your appearance matters! Take the time to invest in it.
While God has not left us with a list of rules for us to follow when it comes to clothing, He has supplied several guidelines found throughout scripture. A close examination of these guidelines should be included when we evaluate our clothing.
Like a gold ring in a pig's snout is a beautiful woman without discretion.
Proverbs 11:22
What is discretion? According to oxford dictionary, discretion can be defined as: "the quality of
behaving or speaking in such a way as to avoid causing offense or revealing
private information". As young ladies, we have been raised in a culture that has rejected discretion under the banner of feminism. As the world demands and applauds the revealing of the private 'information' of our bodies, young christian women are often pressured into doing the same. This has influenced the way we dress. What we need to understand is that our bodies are a gift to us from God that we will one day share with our spouse. Until then, it is our responsibility to conceal, not reveal. (My mom wanted me to add that once we are married, we should also conceal our intimate beauty for our husbands alone).
Some Pointers - Conceal vs. Reveal
I have come to appreciate this guidance by Paul Washer:
Radical Christians
are those who do not dress sensually in order to show off their bodies.
If your
clothing is a frame for your face,
God is pleased with your clothing.
If your clothing is
a frame for your body, it’s sensual and God hates what you’re doing.”
-Paul Washer
What part of your body does your clothing draw attention to? Are you allowing your countenance to be seen more than your curves? Dressing with discretion does not mean that you only wear frumpy, out of style, drab clothing that you bought from the old ladies section at the thrift store. But it does mean avoiding those article of clothing that keep little to nothing of your body hidden. So, what is okay to expose and what is not? A helpful guideline I have found is, if an area of my body is associated with sensuality, it needs to be covered. (i.e. Thigh, chest,
belly, bottom)
One component that many woman do not think about is, how tight is my clothing? Just because your body is covered with a piece of fabric does not mean that you are dressing in a discrete manner. However, just because you wear baggy sweat pants doesn't necessarily mean that you are dressing with the elegance of Christ. Nancy Lee Demos puts is well when she says:
Your clothes should be tight enough so that people know you are woman,
but loose enough so that they also know you are a lady.
You should be dressing in a manner that communicates to others that we are not seeking to put it all out there but that there is a guarded mystique that springs from Christ glorifying discretion.
So here are some pieces of clothing to consider when it comes to dressing with discretion.
I have a confession to make. I LOVE leggins. But let me clarify. I love wearing leggins under my skirts. It seems that in the past few years, it has become popular to make your underclothing your outer clothing. The problem with this is that...there was a reason it was originally made to be underwear not outerwear. Do leggins keep anything hidden????
In this picture you can clearly see every curve of this woman's body and her bottom is completely exposed leaving absolutely no room for the imagination. She might not be showing skin but she is showing everything else. What is hidden?? Not much. Is this dressing with discretion? I think not.
But what about this outfit???
While this long shirt might provide more coverage, to a young man's eyes, this is just as seductive, if not more so. Men are visually stimulated and when you leave them with an incomplete picture, their minds seek to finish it.(I learned this from my dad.) Wearing a longer sweater or shirt or short skirt is almost worse than just wearing the leggins plain. At least they don't need to finish the picture, it is openly displayed for them.
Please see that the way you dress impacts those around you, specifically young men. Your body has great power to destroy the purity of a young man's mind. While each man is responsible before God for what he does with the temptations that come, can't we as their sisters in Christ seek to honor them by dressing with discretion? A discrete woman is a truly beautiful woman.
Work out Pants
I am sorry ladies, scripture does not make an exception for the workout room. We are still called to dress with discretion in a way the conceals, not reveals, no matter how buff we are:) Just an FYI, something does not have to be skin tight to be comfortable. You can just as conveniently work out in loose fitting pants as you can it tight ones. Take it from a runner:)
Skinny Jeans
I know, call me radical, I am not a fan of skinny jeans and I don't think scripture is either. I know it sounds harsh, but let me explain. Just like leggins, skinny jeans expose much of a young woman's body. You can see every curve of her body. There isn't much being hidden, at all. They tend to be a little more modest than leggins but, still, to a guys eyes there aren't many secrets. That is not okay. Now I know you still think I am radical but you must seek to understand clothing from a guys perspective. Trust me, I know it is hard to do. Young men, really any man, is visually stimulated. What seems just fine to you might leave a guy with temptation knocking in the door of his mind. Nancy Leigh Demoss gives another helpful insight when she exhorts young women to, "Dress as though they were walking into a room full of gun powder holding a candle". The clothing you wear should be approached with great caution out of respect for other young men around you, yourself and also for your future spouse. God has called us to sacrificially lay down our desires in order that we might keep our brothers in Christ from stumbling. (Romans 14:21) In Paul's day it was meat and wine, in our day it is young woman who dress in a subtly immodest way. Be careful in the way you dress. It has an affect on those around you.
Women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control,
not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire....
1 Timothy 2:9
I know, I just pulled out the M word, modesty. At times I have cringed at the thought of modesty and it's implication to my wardrobe. And I do not think I am the only one who has thought this way before. Consequently, modesty has become that invisible weight that keeps young women from apprenticing their bodies and having the ability to freely express themselves in the way they dress. Contrary to popular belief, this is not the case. Modesty allows true beauty be shine in the life of a young woman for all to see. Instead of others being distracted or tempted to impurity by your clothing, dressing with modesty gives the freedom needed for other people to see the work of Christ in you!!!!
The greater issue is not modesty, it is your heart. Modesty is simply an outflow of what is on the inside, as Matthew Henry says:
“The purity of the heart will show itself in the modesty
of the dress.”
-Mathew Henry
So, can I ask you, how is your heart? Are you desiring to submit to God, even in the area of modesty? Is the purity of your heart impacting your motives and desires for how you dress? I would encourage you sister, to submit yourself to God's word and to His ways. Exaine what I am saying in the light of His Word and allow that to be your staring point when it comes to the way you dress. His guidance is not meant to hinder you but to help you, to help you seek more of Him!
I know this might be an overkill on the pictures but....there were so many good quotes! I hope they encourage and bless as much as they have done to me.
“The goal of the Christian life is the pursuit of an intimate knowledge
of God that leads to a greater estimation of His worth, a greater
satisfaction and joy in His person, and a greater giving of oneself for
His glory." -Paul washer
For many decades it has been said that we are living in the last days and I believe this still to be true in our generation. As the time of Christ return draws nearer, scripture clearly says that deception will be on the rise(2 Tim. 3:13). The lines between truth and lies, light and darkness, and good and evil are continuing to be blurred with each passing day. As young Christians I believe many of us have laid aside the sword of God's Word and have come to adopt the the ideas and philosophies of our modern world without even realizing it. We have been deceived.
So how do we combat deception? The answer to this question is so wonderfully simple. We combat the deception of this present age with the truth of God's Word!!!! Romans 12:2 exhorts us to:
Not be conformed to this world,
but be transformed by the renewal of your mind,
that by testing you may
discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and
It is my desire that through these blog posts on the Hunger Games you would be able to evaluate these issues through the sieve of God's Word. By renewing our minds through the light of His truth may we be able to discern God's best for our lives.
Access part #1 by clicking here.
*Again, if you are 12 years old or younger, please ask your parents before reading this post. Thanks!
Throughout the movies, violence is continually displayed. Below are listed just a few examples of the numerous scenes that contain such disturbing brutality. (All excerpts are taken from Plugged In Online.)
We see them kill as a pack—delivering
quick stabs with a knife and a spear—laughing as they call out encouragements
to one another. We see a large teen snap another boy's neck. A dead teen is
shown with an arrow in his chest, and a poisoned girl lies dead on the ground,
her skin a light shade of blue. We see "news" footage of a boy
swinging a blood-covered brick.”
(Hunger Games)
"One tribute is shot in the chest with an arrow, and another goes down
with an ax. A third is bitten ferociously and killed by genetically
modified mandrills. A fourth is stabbed in the gut with a knife. A fifth
runs into a poisonous mist that causes horrifically blistered skin
before it kills. A sixth
drowns. Etc."
(Catching Fire)
“Rebels are mowed down in hails of
bullets, while the malevolent peacekeepers are beaten into submission and blown
up. Peacekeepers also execute civilians, burying bullets in the backs of their
heads.” (Mockingjay)
Throughout scripture and history you often see evil characterized by violence. In Psalm 53:4, we see that the violent have not set God before them and so act in live is such a way without taking into mind that there is a God to whom they will be held accountable. Sin reigns in the absence of authority. As God is against evil, He is also against the sin of violence and opposes violent people. As you watch the Hunger Games series please don't think that God doesn't care, that He approves of or accepts the grotesque violence displayed through these movies. Ultimately know that God sees you and that one day you will be held accountable to Him for the things you ingest through media.
"But does the violence I see really affect me?" As you expose yourself to violence through the movies you watch, it will effect you in one of two ways, whether your realize it or not.
Response #1: Hardening:
This consequence is the most common. As you expose yourself to unhindered cruelty it often leaves you devoid of emotions. There is a mental disconnect between the fact that the people who are being slaughtered on the screen in front of you are real. Televised entertainment often causes people to be dehumanized in your mind whether that was the intention or not. Violence that leaves you devoid of emotion is extremely dangerous. It causes you to be desensitized.
Have you come to love violence???
Not only that but violence in it's nature tends to be addictive. If it does not leave you senseless it will most likely give you an emotional high. The story line, violence, and approaches that are taken in the Hunger Games series feeds your sinful, carnal flesh. After being left with an emotional thrill that result from the violence, you are often left hungering for more and before you know it, violence has turned into a necessary part of your life.
Whether you are left void of emotion or are completely overstimulated, exposure to the wrong kind of violence can often result in a hardening of your mind toward it, leading to an acceptance of it.
"The LORD tests the righteous and the wicked, And the one who loves violence His soul hates."
Psalms 11:5
Response #2: Broken:
This should be the Christian's response to violence and evil. When you are exposed to brutality it should leave you broken; broken over sin, it's effects, and the harm it does when it is unmercilessly unleashed on the helpless. Unfortunately, I think many of us have become so desensitized that this is no longer the effect. We have become indifferent to the evils of our age. Our hearts no longer break over the things that break God's heart. Please ask God to develop a sensitivity in your as you read over the following facts. May you be left with tears in your eyes and a heavy heart. In Christ alone there is hope.
1.2 million babies are aborted every year.
Over 50 million lives have been taken since abortion was legalized in the U.S. alone
171,000 brothers and sisters in Christ will loose there lives this year through martyrdom.
Please read this story about a young Christian couple who were burned to death only a few months ago.
163 Million orphans around the world
I could go on and on with the stats of human trafficking and murder, stories from ISIS and so on but I think you get the point. Don't allow yourself to become numb to the violence that is all around us. Please allow God to break your heart over what breaks His.
Government Overthrow
"Let every person be subject to the
governing authorities. For there is
no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted
by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has
appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment."
Romans 13:1-2
I just want to briefly touch on this subject. Contrary to popular belief, we are instructed to obey and submit to the government. The French Revolution is a perfect example that bad things happen to those who rid themselves of their governing authorities. It is not a pretty picture when anarchy reigns. God is the one who has sovereignly instituted this sphere of authority and no matter how evil governing authorities may become, God is still in control.
"The king'sheart is a stream of water in the hand of the LORD;
he turns it wherever he will."
Proverbs 21:1
Now is there ever a place to defend ourselves when the government has overstepped it's bounds? Yes, but how that is done through the depiction of the third movie is not in line with scripture. After all, freedom gained through violence is no freedom at all as Proverbs 1:19 explains:
"So are the ways of everyone who gains by violence; It takes away the life of its possessors."
*Please note: I have only highlighted four of many problems that I see with these movies. I could go on concerning the messages of feminism, the taking of God's name in vain, blatant immodesty and many other concerning topics and messages that are weaved into these movies.
The Higher Standard
“Who gave himself for our sins to
deliver us from the present evil age, according to the will of our God and
Galatians 1:4
"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly." John 10:10
I have some great news for you!!!!!! If we have received the gift of salvation, God has set us free in Christ from death, darkness and destruction. So why do we wallow in these things for the purpose of entertainment?
When we participate in the things that glorify darkness and death, doesn't
it stand to reason that we invite the prince of darkness and death into our mind
and subconscious?
-Leslie Ludy-
Are you leaving an open door for the enemy to come into your heart and mind and ravage the life that Christ has given you? By watching this, is the kingdom of Christ being advanced in your life or the kingdom of the enemy? Are you drawn closer to Christ through exposing yourself to media that is against Him and what He stand for? Is the purity of Christ being portrayed when you willingly accept this type of entertainment? Are you following the pattern laid out in scripture to abhor evil, to run from it, to hate it and to hold fast to what is good?
Stop seeking the things that are in harmony with the nature of the enemy. Run from them!!! Abhor what is evil, hold fast to what is good. Set
nothing evil before your eyes, seek The Light!
I am not seeking to condemn you but to call you to a higher standard.
I challenge you, evaluate the entertainment you are exposing yourself
to in the light of this truth. Those of us who have been purchased by the blood of Christ are the temple of the Holy Spirit. Let no vile thing have a place in that which is set-apart to be holy.