Saturday, November 7, 2015

Trusting is Harder Than it Sounds

     ~ Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own ~
understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him,
and He will direct your paths.  
Proverbs 3:5-6 

     In my Bible, these verses are highlighted, with the words "life verse" laterally written in the crevice of the page.  Also, as I wake up and gaze at my wall where this passage abides, I am reminded of my need to trust my God each new day.  In addition, the short but powerful promise was written to me as a reminder in cards that I received for both my birthday and upon my graduation.  However, although I have read it again and again and hold it's truth so close to my heart, I am still learning what it truly means to trust in the Lord will ALL my heart.  
     Throughout the past six months changes in my life have grown and developed, giving me many opportunities to trust my Lord.  As I am sure you have notices, if you are still reading my blog, I haven't been around as much.  My focus has shifted to outside of my home recently as I work two to three full days a week and minister to others.  Busyness has been a constant companion as I jump from one responsibility to another.  Since I have graduated, I continue to learn but my learning is no longer confined to a textbook.  God has been so faithful in teaching me through everyday life about relationships, people, who I am and who He is.  I have been experiencing some of those "growing pains" as I transition into adulthood.  However, it has been so amazing to watch God orchestrate my life circumstances to lead me to Him.  There have been weeks where I am left emotionally spent, physically drained or feeling completely incompetent to do all the work that He has placed in front of me.  I have found that it is at the end of my rope, when I have nothing left, that that is when I must trust Him.  
     Why do we struggle to trust our God?  Is He not so worthy of our trust?  Has He not proven His faithfulness to us over and over again?  Yet, I am guilty of failing in this struggle, doubting His care for me and His control over my life.  I shake in fear and exhaustion when I forget that it is only by His strength that I can run this race.  I doubt and question when I start to serve a "small" God, loosing my sight of Who God really is as the almighty, all powerful God who has showered me with amazing grace and unending love.  I become worn and beaten down upon forgetting eternity, becoming fixated on these temporary difficulties and pains.  Oh, but when I lay it all at the feet of Jesus, delight is mine!  Corrected by a reminder of all that He is and all that I am not, I receive the freedom and grace need to run, unrestrained after my Prince of Peace.  Does He make it easy?  No, but He does promise to provide the strength we need when we come to Him.  He will faithfully bring us through every transition in life, every trial and one day,  He will bring us safely home.  I can't wait for that day.  Until then, let us fix our eyes on Him. 

If by excessive labor, we die before reaching the average age of man,
worn out in the Master's service, then glory be to God, we shall have
so much less of earth and so much more of Heaven!
- C.H. Spurgeon -

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