Thursday, September 24, 2015

Taking the Great Commision Seriously - Meet the Gospel Tract

     Sweating hands, a racing heart, a mind that suddenly went blank, a nervous smile and I look of, "What did I just get myself into" could pretty well describe my first experience with those little pamphlets known as gospel tracts.  When I handed this colorful looking, gospel containing piece of paper to the cashier, I half expected her to yell in my face and give me a body slam.  I guess you hope for the best and prepare for the worst, right?  The body slam never came and with I sigh of relief as my body relaxed to it's "not so statue like state", I walked away as she thanked me with a smile.
     When it comes to the Great Commission, many of us are temped to opt out, leaving that facet of the Christian life to the experienced missionaries and theologians.  If we are honest with ourselves, the thought of talking to someone about the gospel seems daunting, overwhelming or even terrifying. We know we are supposed to do something but because of our fear we do nothing.  But as Hudson Taylor so pointedly put it:

"The great commission is not an option to be considered 
but a command to be obeyed." 

      Now while many evangelists might preach to thousands in a football stadium or stand up on a box putting their vocal chords to the tests as they do open air preaching, to be an effective fisher of men, you don't have to start there.  Just as in any spiritual discipline, there is a starting point and a process of maturing and growing that must take place in our lives.  Don't let the thought of, "Oh I can't witness like Ray Comfort" keep you from taking the baby steps of learning. 
     So today I would like to introduce you to a helpful tool that could help jump start your witnessing efforts.  Perfect for beginner evangelists-in-the-making, gospel tracts are easy to use and aren't often rejected.  All it really takes to hand one out is a nice tag line, a prayerful heart and a smiling face. 
     My favorite tracts are from Living Waters
This comic is great for ages 10+.  It's colorful pictures make it interactive and intriguing, keeping readers engaged until the end.  Starting with the 10 commandments, it shows unbelievers their need for a Savior in light of the fact that we all have broken God's law and are accountable to Him.  After helping a sinner to recognize their need for a Savior, the gospel is presented. 
*Tag Line: This is for you.  It's a fun comic with a neat message and I hope you will take some time to read it.  

Which one's bigger???  These curved illusion cards are great for children, teens and adults alike.  Most people will thank you for giving them a gift without realizing it's got a message of far greater value on the back.  They are easy to pass out and fun to use.  
*Tag Line:  Hey, I have something I would like to show you.  Which one's bigger??? Not sure?  Well, they are actually the same size.  Isn't that neat!?  These are for you to keep.  Make sure you read the message on the back. 

Free Movie!!!!  How doesn't like movies?  Living Waters has put together some great evangelistic material that can be  accessed for free online.  Handing out these cards gives people the opportunity to easily access this life changing content and be challenged in what they believe as the truth of the gospel is explained through topics like abortion, atheism, evolution and homosexuality.  
*Tag Line:  This is for you.  Be sure to check out the free movies online!  

     When picking out gospel tracts, make sure they are really communicating the gospel and not some fluffy, "God has a wonderful plan for your life" or "Say a prayer and you get into heaven" message.  Also, keep tracts handy by storing them in your purse, pocket or wallet. 
     When you have gotten comfortable with simply handing gospel tracts out, they also now afford you the opportunity to branch out into pursuing conversations with people.  Give someone a tract and then ask:*
- So would you consider yourself a good person?
- Do you have a religious background?
- Do you believe in Heaven and Hell? 
Don't be afraid to allow tracts to open doors for conversation. 
*Know that these are just suggestions.  These are often things that I will say and I shared it with you just to get you thinking.  There is always room to do things differently as the Lord leads you.
     Recently, some people have questioned the effectiveness of gospel tracts.  First off, I have heard a number of stories of people who have been saved through the message of the gospel as presented through a tract.  Also, we are simply called to sow the seed.  God alone can make any gospel presentation effective, whether it's through a tract or a conversation.  Many people look down on tracts, thinking instead that we should only evangelize after we have built a relationship with someone.  The sad thing is, this isn't the pattern laid out in scripture.  Jesus talked to groups of thousands, Paul randomly walked into synagogues and Peter jumped into a Eunuch's carriage and basically said, "Hey, I hear your reading Isaiah.  Why don't you let me tell you what that's all about!"  Not only is this argument not biblically grounded but often times in an effort to keep peace in a relationship, we never bring up the gospel which offends and divides. 
     Let me exhort you as Paul did to Timothy.  
"As for you, always be sober-minded, endure suffering, 
do the work of an evangelistfulfill your ministry." 
1 Timothy 4:5

1 comment:

Aliyah said...

Nice job with this, Kayla! I really appreciate your influence and this post really opened my eyes to evangelism. :)