Friday, May 22, 2015

Waiting For You...With Great Aniticipation

To the man God is preparing for me,
     Can I fully put into words the emotions and longings that course through me when I think of you?  It's a deep, intense longing to love you, serve you but most of all, to know you.  You see, I don't even know who you are.  I just know I am waiting for you.
Dear Lord,
     You are my God.  I am your humble servant and I long for Your return.  You have called me to a living hope and to an undefiled, unfading inheritance. Therefore, I am simply a pilgrim, a stranger in this land longing for Your eternal kingdom, longing for Your return so that I may see You face to face.
      Ever since I was little, I have dreamed of being married.  However, I now desire to love and serve you because it has a greater purpose beyond the here and now.  Marriage is momentary, only lasting a life time, but the purpose it serves is eternal as it paints a picture of the gospel to this lost and dying world.  As I submit to you,  it will exemplify what it mean for us, as members of Christ's body, to submit to Him and as you love, cherish and give yourself up for me as Christ has for the church, it will demonstrate to this world what a wonderful Savior we serve. 
     Jesus, you are my Lord because you are my Redeemer.   Though I was Your enemy, defiled by sin, You did not cast me off but had mercy on me.  You redeemed me from the pit and gave me life through Your atoning death.  I have been washed clean in the blood of the Lamb and now am adorned in the righteous robes of Christ.  From start to finish, You have redeemed this helpless soul and now I am completely reliant on You for Your righteousness.  You are my Redeemer.
      Because of the longing I have for you and the desire to showcase God's power through marriage, I will make myself ready.  By God's grace I will grow closer to my heavenly Bridegroom so that when you, my earthly bridegroom come to momentarily redeem me through marriage, I will be ready, clothed in the humility and purity of Christ.  I want to be yours completely so for now, I will learn to be wholeheartedly consecrated to Christ as He draws me to Himself.   I will make myself ready for you. 
     Through Your infinite wisdom, God, You have created momentary marriage to be a picture of a marriage that is coming that will be everlasting.  As the bride of Christ, I will make myself ready.  I must not waste these precious moments so help me to redeem the time as I eagerly await Your return.  You are coming back! May my deepest longing be to run with endurance the race You have set before me, so that as I persevere on the narrow path, I may be purified through You and for You.  Oh how I await the moment when I will meet You, Jesus Christ, my Redeemer, my Bridegroom and lay down my life at Your feet once and for all.  That is a marriage I can't help but long for.
I am waiting for you, with great anticipation.
I am waiting for You, with great anticipation.

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