Friday, April 24, 2015

So you want to speak in front of 300 people???

     This past weekend God provided an opportunity for me a share a testimony of His work in my life.  I was greatly humbled that He would open a door for me to speak and that He filled me with His enabling grace to accomplish what I couldn't have done on my own.  I am truly grateful that I had the opportunity to honor Him while standing on a stage, but I also know that the majority of the Christian life isn't lived under the spotlight.
     The truth is, God wants us to use all of the opportunities He gives us, big or small, to honor Him and depend on His grace.  It's not just the big moments when lots of people see us that He wants to equip us, but each and every day.  Whether we eat or drink, walk of run, stand before 300 people or sit before one, we are to do all thing for His glory.  He simply asks us to be faithful to Him and He will decide how many people are impacted by our lives.
     We put a lot of stock in opportunities that promise us greater quantities of people we can influence.  However, success in God's kingdom isn't measured by facebook likes, applause or numbers.  Instead, He chooses to use what He has done through us to whatever extent He wants.  Our focus can't be on the numbers but rather we must be fixated on Christ and humbled any time He does choose us to proclaim the truth, whether the audience is vast or very minimal.

Is it the bond servant's business to say which work is large and which is small, which
unimportant and which worth doing? 
Amy Charmichael
     God used me by setting me on a stage for 8 minutes.  He might choose to use you differently, but that doesn't mean that what I did was more important that what God has called you to do.  Sovereignly, God gives His children different tasks to complete but the value of the task is not wrapped up in what it is but rather who we are doing it for.  Our Captain is Christ and that is why even the most menial task should be done joyfully and wholeheartedly, because He commissions us to do them.

     Apart from me, you can do nothing....
John 15:5

      With an elevated understanding of our ability, we often think we only need God's help with the big things in life.  However,  His enabling grace is needed all day, every day.  The Christian life is impossible.   Do you understand that?   "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself." (Luke 10:37) Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)  Can we do this on our own?  We cannot.  The only way we can run the course of the Christian life is with God enabling, strengthening, and empowering with every step.  Apart from Him we can do nothing so may we abide in Him, asking Him to help us day in and day out. 

He is the one who works, He is the one who determines the outcomes.  Humbly submit to His plan. 

Since we have the same spirit of faith according to what has been written, "I believed
and so I spoke," we also believe, and so we speak, ... so that as grace extends to more and 
more people it may increase thanksgiving, to the glory of God.
2 Corinthians 4:13-15

If you would like to see the video of the presentation I did, click here.

I was asked to give the speech because of some work that I have done with the organization, Fellowship of Christian Athletes.  I have acted as a counselor or " huddle leader" for summer camps and I run on a cross country team called, Team FCA Cross Country.   Through both of avenues, God has enabled me to both disciple and evangelize fellow peers and young girls. 

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