Friday, January 23, 2015

Know God's Will by Knowing His Word - Part #2

      How do we know God's will?   Let me start off by listing some ways we do not find God's will.
  • We do not find God's will by silently waiting for Him to audibly speak to us
  • By waiting for miracles to happen  ( i.e. asking God to wet a sheep skin like Gideon did.)
  • By doing whatever we want and hoping that somehow we are acting within His will
  • By flipping a coin or some other superficial means
If this is what we do not do, what are the steps we take to discover God's will?  At a recent conference, one of the speakers used this order sensitive list for seeking God's will.

We can know God's will through:
  1. His Word 
  2. Prayer
  3. Our own desires
Examining scripture, we will dive into the first one this week.
Knowing God's Will Through His Word 
     Have you ever had to use the bathroom in the middle of the night when it is pitch black and you can't see anything?   On multiple occasions, as I have blindly stumbled through the halls, I have been assaulted by little toys on the floor or even my half-open door which I accidentally walked into, leaving a welt on my forehead.  In the same way we can either stumble through this life being in danger of making the wrong step or we can run unhindered in the path of God's will with His Word as the light to our path! 
     As in Pilgrim's Progress, Christian uses the Word of God to direct Him on His journey, so we must choose to do the same.  Any tool is ineffective if it is not used.  Every day we must seek the Lord through His Word.   In Colossians 2 it says that, "in Christ are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge".   Paul reminds all believers of the purpose of God's Word in 2 Timothy 2:16:

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction,
 and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.

God's Word is the tool He has given us to equip and train us in a knowledge of His will.  

I have heard Romans 12:1-2 quoted many times.  But as I read it this time something stuck out to me. Let's look at verse two together.

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind
that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

     We all know we aren't supposed to be conformed to this world, following it's patterns, but how does this verse say we avoid that?  By renewing our minds in God's Word, the only form of truth that transforms us more into the image of Christ and allows us to know God's will!  We can read many book on planning our lives, but in reality we only need the Word of God to discern what is the will of God.  If you want to know God's will, know His Word.  

"Cling to The Word as though your very life depended on it because... I can assure you, it does."
Paul Washer

     Now I want to ask you a question.  Let's say you and I are in the army.  Currently we are in training but in a short while we will face battle head on.  The commander gives us a book filled with instructions on how to fight, survive and be successful while we are on the battle field.  Handing it over, He warns us that our survival and success in battle is dependent on how well we know the instructions laid out in the book.  How much time would we spend reading, memorizing and pouring over this instruction book???  I would image any serious soldier would invest a lot of time in learning and applying these instructions.  Now let me ask you another question. How much time are we spending, doing the same thing over the pages of scripture???  We need to starting taking God's Word seriously and actively pour ourselves into the pursuit of a knowledge of it. 

     Every aspect of the Christian life is dependent on The Word of God.  In Romans 10:17 we see:

So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.

Our salvation is dependent on hearing the Word.   In the same way we see that the source of our sanctification comes from God's Word in John 17:17:

Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth.

And one day we will be glorified  when the Lord calls us home!  Every part of the Christian life is directly linked to God's Word. Don't believe the lie that being in God's Word is not essential to your life.   This couldn't be further from the truth.  
    However, we don't pursue knowledge just for the purpose of being smart or making our parents happy by the fact that you know what the definition of propitiation is.   Reading God's Word is a means to an end.  Paul Washer puts it well when he says:

The goal of the Christian life is the pursuit of an intimate knowledge of God that leads to a greater estimation of His worth, a greater satisfaction and joy in His person, and a greater giving of oneself for His glory.
-Paul Washer 

     The other day my mom wanted to make clam chowder.  After getting online, she finally found a recipe that looked good.  Scrolling through the reviews, one of them caught her eye.  Complaining that the soup didn't turn out well, the reviewer said that there must have been something wrong with the recipe.  However, the problem really wasn't the recipe but the fact that this person didn't follow it!!! Substituting water for clam juice (a key ingredient) and adding in or leaving out other key ingredients, the chef didn't get the desired result.  
     There are two things I think we can glean from this story when it comes to God's Word.  The first is this, we shouldn't just read God's Word, we need to apply it.  Just as the cook decided to read the recipe and then do her own thing, we need to read God's Word and submit ourselves to it.  There is a reason God's Word is called the Word of Truth for it is the source of truth, not of suggestions.  Every area of our life must come under the authority of Christ and His Word, that in everything He might have preeminence. (Colossians 1:18) If you want to know God's will for your future, follow in obedience to His Word now.  Oh the blessing that comes when we walk in obedience!
     Upon hearing this story, there is a second truth that we must be reminded of.  Following God's recipe for life, without substituting in our own wisdom, will always result in a successful life.  (But God's measure of successful is very different from the world's!  Check out God's Word to see what His success looks like:)  After reading the review my mom went ahead and decided to make the soup and you know what, it turned out great!!!!!  Trust the Lord, follow His Word, walk by faith and leave the results in His hands.  

So a quick summary? 
Read it, Live it! for we find God's will primarily in His Word

Find Part #1 by clicking Here

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