What role does prayer play in your life? (When problems arise do you innately go to your knees in heartfelt prayer
or do you try to fix the situation with your own wit and wisdom? ) On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your prayer life? Think about it for a moment or even write down your answer. Do you see it as absolutely crucial to your everyday existence or as an optional part of your life?
For many years prayer wasn't present in my life. While trying to fight the inevitable sleep that would soon dawn on me in a matter of minutes, I would throw a couple requests God's way before dozing off to dream land. After hearing some amazing stories of people of prayer and the mighty ways God answered, I became rather fond of the idea of praying and decided to try it for longer than 5 minutes. I can recall several times where I would passionately get on my knees and....fall asleep:( This is a lot harder than I thought, I said to myself. But although prayer is hard work (it doesn't come naturally or with ease) I have come to see the imperative need to pray, not only in my life but also in the life of every believer. It is through prayer that we come to know our Savior, gain His vision for our life, and lay it all at His feet in a desire to gain Him. Prayer must become our steering wheel, it's not optional.
Have you ever wished you could see the big picture of your life? Instead of being restrained to the ant's
limited view of what lies ahead, there are times when I wish could see the eagle's view, knowing what will happen in my life. But God has chosen a different way for His children. It is the path of many unknowns partnered with a Father who is known and who knows every step of the way ahead. While my finite mind cannot fully comprehend, I know that I have a Lord who knows the past, present and future, who, by His sovereign hand, already has my life planned out. He holds my future in His hand. Shouldn't I take the time to ask Him about it? Can I not bring all my worries and concerns to Him and ask Him to lead me? Is He not capable of doing so? Let us pray as though the answers to these questions are true, for they are. God sees what we cannot, let us learn to trust Him and pray to Him concerning our future. There is comfort in knowing that the future is in the Father's hand and that we can hold on to that same hand for the wisdom and direction we need.
That same hand that offers to lead and guide us also changes us. The very promise of grace is not to leave us how God found us, but to conform us more into the image of Him son. Believe me, there is much conforming that needs done in our lives if we are truly to walk in obedience to the Father's will. That is why one of the main results of prayer is conformity of our desires and will to His.
I love the promise of Psalm 37:4.
If you want to hear from God, read your Bible.
If you want to hear from God audibly,
read your Bible out loud.
(You can smile now)
So let me ask you a different question. Will you pray?
For many years prayer wasn't present in my life. While trying to fight the inevitable sleep that would soon dawn on me in a matter of minutes, I would throw a couple requests God's way before dozing off to dream land. After hearing some amazing stories of people of prayer and the mighty ways God answered, I became rather fond of the idea of praying and decided to try it for longer than 5 minutes. I can recall several times where I would passionately get on my knees and....fall asleep:( This is a lot harder than I thought, I said to myself. But although prayer is hard work (it doesn't come naturally or with ease) I have come to see the imperative need to pray, not only in my life but also in the life of every believer. It is through prayer that we come to know our Savior, gain His vision for our life, and lay it all at His feet in a desire to gain Him. Prayer must become our steering wheel, it's not optional.
Prayer has become as essential to me as the heaving of my lungs,
and the beating of my pulse.
- Charles Spurgeon -
Have you ever wished you could see the big picture of your life? Instead of being restrained to the ant's
That same hand that offers to lead and guide us also changes us. The very promise of grace is not to leave us how God found us, but to conform us more into the image of Him son. Believe me, there is much conforming that needs done in our lives if we are truly to walk in obedience to the Father's will. That is why one of the main results of prayer is conformity of our desires and will to His.
I love the promise of Psalm 37:4.
Delight yourself in the LORD,
and he will give you the desires of your heart.
and he will give you the desires of your heart.
Yes! That means that if I pray and do all that Christian 'stuff' God is going to give me whatever I want, right? Not quite. You see, when we truly delight ourselves in the Lord, He changes our desires to be in line with His. It is in those quite moments of prayer where we catch a greater glimpse of the awesomeness of our God, gain a lesser view of yourself and ignite a passion to live for Him alone. As we lay our lives on the altar in willing surrender, we loose our vision for our life and gain His. If you want to know God's will, pray, for through much prayer God conforms our desires to His.
The idea of listening for God has recently been popularized through pastors, books and many evangelical leaders. By silencing ourselves and just sitting and listening for the Lord to speak to us is now the popular way to know what God wants. However, I am afraid that this unbiblical approach to prayer has left many deceived and disillusioned. Scripture clearly points out that we speak with God through prayer and God speaks to us through His Word. (Check out Hebrews 1:1-4) Justin Peters puts it well when he says:
A soul silent to God is apt to be sullen rather than submissive.
- Charles Spurgeon -
If you want to hear from God, read your Bible.
If you want to hear from God audibly,
read your Bible out loud.
(You can smile now)
While we should all be seeking to know God's will, we do not do it through listening for a still small voice to suddenly speak to us, we go to God's Word. So how does prayer fit into all of this?
Unlike any other book, the Bible takes the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit for us to understand it's truth. Any skeptic can read the Bible and walk away unchanged, but the Holy Spirit must work in the life of a believer, using God's Word as a tool to teach, rebuke, correct and train in righteousness. (2 Tim. 3:16)
Every believer should prayerfully read God's Word, communing with the Savior and asking Him to use the Holy Spirit in her life to make God's Word effectual in her life.
Every believer should prayerfully read God's Word, communing with the Savior and asking Him to use the Holy Spirit in her life to make God's Word effectual in her life.
Often times God direct us through His Word in our times of prayer. The other night I was praying about a decisions I needed to make and was asking for God's wisdom when He brought a passage of scripture to mind. God used His Word, through my prayer, to help me know what His will was in this situation. It is in times of prayer, asking the Lord for wisdom that He will lead us back to His Word to know where/what He wants us to do. Again, this should provide great motivation in our lives to learn God's Word. The more we know God's word, the more He can use it in our lives to know His will.