Friday, October 17, 2014

Biblical Beauty - Introduction

   A scantily clad woman plastered on the front of a magazine. A make-up advertisement that promises to make you look drop-dead gorgeous. A diet plan that guarantees to transform you from a size 6 to a size 2 in less than six months.  These are all the voices of the world attempting to redefine beauty.  Every time you walk into a store or expose yourself to secular literature and music, you can hear the voices of the world enticingly crying out,  "This is beauty."
     But is it?  From my point of view, the idea of beauty has become so foggy that it is difficult to perceive what beauty really is. We have all heard the phrase true beauty many times. However, what does it mean to posses true beauty?  What is true beauty and what does it look like?  If true beauy does not consist of making sure to dot your I's and cross your T's when it comes to fashion and make up, then what is it?
     Because the world emphasizes outward appeal and unchaste behavior as the source of beauty, some have gone to the other extreme of despising any type of beauty at all.  While focusing solely on the internal beauty of 1 Peter 3:4, many have let the stewardship of external beauty to go to the wayside. 
      At times I have found myself hopelessly caught in between these two views.  Is beauty a good thing? Is it okay to wear make up and 'adorn' myself?  Is being beautiful simply wearing long skirts and having long hair? Is the desire I have for beauty a good thing or is it a trace of the culture's ungodly impact upon my life? And the question which loomed largest in my mind, "What does God's Word instruct us concerning beauty?"
     After doing an intensive Bible study on beauty, the light of God's Word has made clear to me what was once hidden. He has given me His vision for beauty and it is my desire to me able to share my discoveries with you!!!! I am so excited to have the opportunity to encourage you as you seek to find God's blue print for biblical beauty.  As young women, I believe that all of us struggle with the issue of beauty.  However, when we look at this topic from God's point of view, we can clearly perceive the beautiful masterpiece that He has in store when we seek His best.
    I am looking forward to the weeks ahead as we dive into God's Word to discover the brilliant beauty of  Biblical Beauty.

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