Most people have a list of their favorite movies. While I do have a few favorite movies, I would much rather snuggle up with a good book. Here is a list of my favorite books. Although I haven't always been a big fan of reading, that has recently changed. My free times are usually filled with reading, baking or playing with siblings. Over the years I have been blessed by many works of literature that have helped to encourage, challenge and exhort me in these years of being a young adult. Ranging on topics from purity to evangelism, I hope these books will encourage you in your walk with Christ as many of them paint a beautiful and biblical picture of what is means to be a godly young woman. These are all wonderful resources that I would HIGHLY encourage you to read. May you be blessed by them as much as I have been.
This is the very first book I remember actually enjoying reading. At the age of about twelve, a friend gave this book to me and I could hardly wait to start. Through the princess story at the beginning of each chapter, to the insightful down-to-earth informative endings, Sarah Mally does a wonderful job helping girls to see what it looks like to shine bight with radiance and purity. While the topics related to guys and handling purity are discussed, they are done in a way that is appropriate for all ages. Although the nature of the book is informative, it is not dry at all. Filled with comics, stories and experiences this book will keep you turning the page not wanting to put it down. I highly suggest you use a highlighter when reading!
Rating 4 1/2 out of 5 Age: 12+
Okay ladies, contrary to popular belief, things of spiritual and scriptural
significance are not just for when you hit the age of thirty or for men. NOW is the time to learn much about God, His Word and the most important message ever proclaimed, the gospel. Now is the time to train so that in the future we may be well equipped. That is what this books does. Going back to scripture and not modern man's opinion, Paul Washer clearly and concisely explains the true gospel. Honestly, if you only read one book in this whole list, I would want you to read this one. The gospel is not just the door mat to our walk with Christ but the central theme. We need to have a correct understanding of not only the message but also the every day impact it should have on our lives.
significance are not just for when you hit the age of thirty or for men. NOW is the time to learn much about God, His Word and the most important message ever proclaimed, the gospel. Now is the time to train so that in the future we may be well equipped. That is what this books does. Going back to scripture and not modern man's opinion, Paul Washer clearly and concisely explains the true gospel. Honestly, if you only read one book in this whole list, I would want you to read this one. The gospel is not just the door mat to our walk with Christ but the central theme. We need to have a correct understanding of not only the message but also the every day impact it should have on our lives.
Rating: 5/5 Age: 14+
One Thing I Desire
Written by a young woman passionate about knowing Jesus Christ to other young women, this short book is packed with encouragement. Through it's pages you will be challenged to know Christ more, and not just to know Him but to love Him and serve Him.
Rating: 4 1/2 out of 5 Age:12+
Evangelism, witnessing, sharing your faith um...sound a little frightening? It doesn't need to be. Being biblical, practical, and very timely this book will definitely be a catalyst to grow you in your desire to be a witness of Christ and also equip you to know how to do it. Filled with pages of personal stories, this book is also very enjoyable to read. Consider it evangelism 101. As I read this book, I was deeply encouraged and challenged to be bold for Christ, to share the gospel fearlessly and to do it out of love and passion for Him and His glory. Don't be intimidated by the idea of sharing your faith. Instead, read this book:)
Rating 5/5 Ages:12+
Evidence Not Seen
Through the pages of this true story, Darlene Dibler shares what it was like to be a missionary to New Guinea for two years and then survive Japanese prison camp for four. It is a story of the supernatural, but not because of who this woman was but because of the Father she served. Even through the hardest times, like being just moments away from being beheaded, this hero of the faith had a living, thriving and breathing relationship with her God that will challenge you deeply. Through deep trials she was drawn closer to her Savior and this is her amazing story of faith despite the fact that there is evidence not seen. A must read for all young ladies!
Rating: 5/5 Age: 15+, due to the nature of WWII and the events that unfolded.
Ever wished you could spend a day with the Duggars? Well, through this book you will gain a glimpse not just of what life is like for this large family but also of what life is about, relationships with other people. Through stories, advice and wise counsel from their parent's, the oldest Duggar girls help encourage young ladies in the relationships that we all have. From wisdom on how to handle a relationship with a young man in a Christ-honoring way, to what it looks like to be the big sister, this book is filled with insight and wisdom. It is such a fun read not only will you be challenged by it but also enjoy it immensely.
Young ladies of all ages and older ones too!
Young ladies of all ages and older ones too!
I hope this list will help you in your search for some good reads! Comment below and share with me some of your favorite books! Are there any books you would suggest as 'must reads' for other young ladies?